Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Tale of a Malawian Pastor

The Bible to be repaired; With our daughter Karen;
I am Kondwani Nyanda, the Preacher. For a long time i have had the desire the serve the Lord, and graciously the Lord has opened doors for me so that i can be throughly equiped to rightly handle the word of truth (2Timothy 2:15) i have learnt to preach the word, to be ready in season and out of season, to reprove, rebuke exhort... 2Tim. 4:2. i am still being equiped. I have just realized that it is hard to plant a church in africa and expect the church to fully finacially support you, without putting a burden on the young church. There are few ways to get out of this finacial distress, you either should plead with you church to give more, of which in most cases its impossible without compromising your preaching, or you can fully rely on the support from overseas, this seems easy, most people want to support african pastors, nothing wrong with that. I came to the conclusion that i will not twist and turn the word of God and scare people to give more "if they want the Lord to bless them" so that i can put food on the table and send my children to school. I have few friends overseas, the question is how can they help me, giving me money is great but its not a long time thing, besides what happens when we have "economic melt down turn?" If you are helping an African pastor, don't stop, mainly of you are aware of what he is doing. For me, i have decided to work with my hands, to involve myself in "tent making ministry" Why? because of my testimony, it would be great to testify one day in church that i have worked with my hands to support my family. Right now, i am Binding both Old and new bibles with leather, Willie Van Raaij a friend from south Africa took His precious time to teach me this trade, and i am excited that i am doing this, and if one must help me, i would suggest that he does that by boosting my business, this will be the best help one can help me. i am working from home. I think teaching theology in Africa is great, but it will be lacking if the students were not taught some kind of skill, and as a result, friends from America, Europe and other first world countries, will continue receiving emails from their friends down in Africa here, begging them for money for food and other basic needs. My prayer is that the Lord will bless the work of my hands and that in all i do, He will be glorified.